Monday, August 30, 2010

Alfie kohn reaction page

1 Whats Alfie Kohns main idea?
   He is telling us that working together with others greatly increases our performance, rather than compatition. He is saying that we are better off without it.

2 What support/argument(s) was most/least convincing? Why?
   All of his points are strong and persuasive and convincing on their own. But since they all relate to education then the arguments don't compare to the business or real word.

3 So What? How is it relevant to this class?
    In starting a new business you need cooperation to get you started but  that will only get you so far. Yes you do want people to invest in you but you also need to be competitive later on. Because what if another business is selling the same product. All in all it is a balance of cooperation and competition that makes you successful.

Friday, August 27, 2010


what motives me is how much i enjoy the task at hand and getting past the suff that i don't. The time i spend is on doing the work i need to get finished with before anything else. The reward i would strive to attain, would be financial.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Self Intrest

Self intrest is good for driving our economy. It shows that people are gonna economicly do what it takes to suvive in life. Self intrest is looking out for one's self, makeing sure i get ahead in life so i can help advance society in a positive direction. In this article Ivan Hoffman talks about how self intrest can advance society, and the companies that act on it.