Friday, October 1, 2010

min wage sum

I don't think minimum wage is good for our economy.


  1. i disagree with you... mini. wage is good for us it gives a base for people to build upon. it allows people to pay for the basic needs such as food and shelter. if a person wants to have more money then they can work harder for it but they will have a base salary or income to build upon.

  2. I disagree with you, We need Minimum wage or else businesses would be monopolized and people would be getting paid for next to nothing.

  3. Well Charles I have to disagree with your opinion on minimum wage. You said that minimum wage is causing less people to get employed which is hrting our economy. Well that much I agree with but the reason less people are hired is because billionaire CEO's dont want to take a little money out of their own pay to pay for an extra employee. If the highest paid employees in companies were willing to accept little less pay for themselves then they could hire tons of new minimum wage employees and unemployment rates would go way down.
